Montag, 9. April 2007

lost in transition

well, i didin't have a chance to blog in japan anymore. or let's say that we experienced so much every day through our trip to fukuoka, kyoto and tokyo that i didn't have mental space to write.every city was very different in landscape and fukuoka there was the fresh ocean air, kyoto was like a mossy precious stone and tokyo like an urban dream. thank you to friends in fukuoka and tokyo for giving us such a special memories about those cities! now we are back in berlin but in the night i keep on dreaming about japan as if i'm still there. so in a way the japan time is still going on...
i don't know exactly how to continue this blog; here in europe i won't experience such a exciting things every day! but i have a wish to keep on writing anyway. maybe it will even help me to adapt to this life again. or to make me see it in a fresh, a bit difficult. berlin is berlin. lazy slow atmosphere, people sitting on the cafes outside, consuming amounts of cafe latte and "kuchen", casual cool behavior. biking, being practical, down to earth. but at least it's spring and the blackbirds are singing frantically!

3 Kommentare:

Blogger Eleanor Vatsa meinte...

Tämä on vaan testi. Unohdin salasanani ja kokeilen toimiiko tämä uusi.
On ollut jokatapauksessa mielenkiintoista seurata Japanin reissuasi. Toivottavasti blogi jatkuu myös arkisemmasta Berliinistä.

9. April 2007 um 07:10  
Anonymous Anonym meinte...

hey little sister here. soon you'll be away again and you can continue exploring and commenting the world outside of berlin...Your blog-fans will be waiting.
did you already check Niksu's new blog Hämähäkkinen?
se on tosi lystikäs! ja katso toivomuslista siitä..

17. April 2007 um 06:32  
Blogger Eleanor Vatsa meinte...

Jaahas, Koksu on täällä mainostanut...Kiva Laikku kun kävit hämähäkkisen kirjaa kommentoimassa. se on vielä vähän hakusessa mutta kyllä se siitä kutoutuu.

17. April 2007 um 08:05  

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